The developpement of the FSI Software K-FSI started with the modelisation of sails.At the begining we developped a structural code coupled to a fluid pannel code software to modelize the flying shape of upwing sails such as genoas, jibs and main sails.In 2007 K-EPSILON invested in a first PhD, in collaboration with Ecole Centrale de Nqntes to start to the coupling of the K-Struct structural software to ISIS-CFD, the fluid solver of FINE/Marine..This first PhD was focus on two aspects:- Developing a strong and deep coupling between the structural sofware and the RANSE solver- Developing a robust mesh deformation tool able to take into account the deformation of the 3D volume mesh during the unsteady RANSE Computation
After this first academic developement K-Epsilon realised three more PhDs to further improve the performance of K-FSI and maintain K-FSI at the cutting edge of strongly coupled FSI.- K-EPSILON's fluid-structure interaction capabilities are able to simulate the motion of soft or rigid structures simultaneously with the viscous fluid behavior for even the most strongly coupled problems.- K-EPSILON's innovative and efficient FSI algorithm typically requires only 30% more computational effort than an equivalent dynamic computation without FSIK-Epsilon start a partership with BSG solution in 2007 to integrate the FSI tool to Sail Pack. With Sail pack and K-FSISail, sailmakers are able to compute the flying shape of the sails and calculs the efforts on sails and the rig. Many of the leading sailmakers such as Incidence and Doyle sails use K-FSISail to maximize their sail's performance...
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